Abilities: Protect one person from death each night. Attributes: If your target is attacked, both you and your attacker will die instead. If you successfully protect someone, you can't be saved from death. Your counterattack ignores night immunity. Abilities: Heal one person each night, preventing them from dying. Attributes: You may only heal yourself once. You will know if your target is attacked. Attributes: Distraction blocks your target from using their role's night ability. You are immune to role blocks. If you target a Serial Killer, they will attack you. Abilities: Investigate one person each night for a clue to their role. Abilities: You may choose one person during the day to jail for the night. Attributes: You may anonymously talk with your prisoner. You may choose to execute your prisoner. The jailed target cannot perform their Escort Town Of Saelm ability. While jailed the prisoner is safe from all attacks. Abilities: Watch one person at night to see who visits them. Attributes: You can only see 3 people visit your target in 1 night. Abilities: You may reveal yourself as the Mayor of the Town. Attributes: Once you Escort Town Of Saelm revealed yourself as the Mayor your vote counts as 3 votes. You may not be healed once you have revealed. Once revealed you can't whisper, or be whispered to. Abilities: Speak with a living person at night once per game after you have died. Attributes: You will speak to the dead anonymously each night you are alive. Abilities: You may raise a dead Town member and use their ability on a player. Attributes: Create zombies from dead true-hearted Town players. Use their abilities on your second target. Each zombie can be used once before it rots. Abilities: Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Attributes: You will know if your target is suspicious, except for the Godfather. Abilities: You may bug a players house to see what happens to them that night. Attributes: You will know who the Mafia and Coven visit each night. Abilities: Choose two people to transport at night. Attributes: Transporting two people swaps all targets against them. You may transport yourself. Your targets will know they were transported. Attributes: If you find a Vampire you will stake them in the heart. If a Vampire visits you they will be staked. You can hear Vampires at night.
Town Of Salem (Game)
How to Play Town of Salem? Tactics for Medium & Escort Her silk dress is but a blanket, wrapped around her body like a towel toga Town of Salem is back with another Ranked game, with some escort gameplay. Escort can really save town, it's also easy to confirm if there Red cloth slips off of the Escort's shoulder as she tiptoes through the door. Escort (Town of Salem) | Villains Wiki | FandomPage actions Read View source History. More What links here Related changes Printable version Permanent link Page information Page logs. Abilities: Speak with a living person at night once per game after you have died. Attributes: Your victim will know they are being controlled. Alignment: Mafia Deception Abilities: Choose someone to frame at night. You are most useful as a Medium when you have leads to pass on to the Town.
Game Information
The Escort is one of the first Town Support roles a player plays, as it is in Normal Mode. (The other being Medium or a Attributes: Distraction blocks your target from using their role's night ability The Escort is the lady of the night. Abilities: Distract someone each night. Her silk dress is but a blanket, wrapped around her body like a towel toga Escort. Escort can really save town, it's also easy to confirm if there Red cloth slips off of the Escort's shoulder as she tiptoes through the door. Alignment: Town (Support). Town of Salem is back with another Ranked game, with some escort gameplay.Attributes: If there are no kill capable Mafia roles left you will become a Mafioso. Goal: Live to the end of the game. The Disguiser guide is in the works, it should be done very soon. if there is any other roles that you might want me to make a guide on, please let me know. You must wait 1 night between conversions. Then the two or three of you can confirm each other. The Disadvantages to this role. Attributes: If your target dies their last will is replaced with your forgery. dylbot [author] 30 Jul, am. The comment will be refreshed after While they are originally a hero and a Town member, in the Town Traitor game mode, Escort can be a traitor working for the Mafia or the Coven. Privacy policy About The Codex Disclaimers. The Codex. Neutral Benign Neutral Chaos Neutral Evil Neutral Killing. You will appear to be a Town member to the Sheriff. What makes the Escort Unique? We want to find P HH Hx. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Page actions Read View source History. This could be useful in roleblocking a final Mafia member, which prevents them from killing anyone, even if it is a Godfather. Escort Town of Salem. Cannot win with any other team if all other town members dies. Abilities: You may choose one person during the day to jail for the night. Attributes: If you find a Vampire you will stake them in the heart. You can only go on alert 3 times. Neutral Benign. Alignment: Town Support Abilities: Distract someone each night. Make sure to store these in your Last Will as well. Alignment: Neutral Chaos Abilities: Choose a player to plunder each night. Veteran Alignment: Town Killing Abilities: Decide if you will go on alert. Don't have an account? Register In order to login you must be registered.